Am enjoying playing with my new toy. Have completed two more videos - one of Brodie and Kiltie (he's just lounging on my lap; she's playing), the other of Duncan flora with a musical background. Learning how to put movies together - assembling, trimming, cutting, adding music, etc. - is fun.
The slideshow to the left has been changed, to reflect the newest photo additions. With this version, rather than the Blogger version of slideshow, the photos in the slideshow update when I update my Picasa album. With the Blogger version, there's a lag time and the slideshow can take some time to load.
If you click over any of the photos in the slideshow, you'll be taken to my Picasa Album and can view the larger versions. There you can also browse the other photos.
Shall load new photos to my Duncan Flora album as the fancy moves me, and add other albums. Shall also vary the albums that are featured in my blog's slideshow.
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