[R]epresentatives from Haiti, the U.S., Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay will gather in Montreal Jan. 25 to reassess pressing needs and to develop a long-term plan for rebuilding Haiti. The news comes after an hour-long telephone conference with [Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon's] international counterparts dubbed "Friends of Haiti".... Cannon said Harper will play a leading diplomatic role in the long-term reconstruction plans and wants to continue robust rebuilding efforts after the spotlight leaves the crisis.
"The prime minister is fully engaged in helping Haiti," he said.
Cannon noted that Haiti is Canada's second largest aid recipient country behind Afghanistan and that the two countries share close ties.
Yes, and Canada is doing so well in Afghanistan, isn't it? As has Haiti, being the second largest aid recipient of Canadian dollars.
Strange how that works, don't you think? Money on 'development' or what I prefer to call, foreign intervention, results in more death, more misery, more poverty, and less freedom and liberty.
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