23 January 2010

Report Update (now with pics): Duncan CAPP Rally

Daphne and I stayed for the full two hours, yours truly leaving stiff, bent over and sore. BUT it was worth it.

Little ole Duncan had 35 to 40 people show up, all told, with the group being at least 25 strong throughout. Duncan lies between Nanaimo and Victoria on Vancouver Island. The city itself, a total of one square mile, has a population of 5,000; together with the surrounding area, which includes a lot of farmland, the population is 78,000.

I don't recall seeing a single person at the rally who was less than middle age. [ETA: I recall now there was one little girl, but she and her dad couldn't stay long.] Most of us were seniors, from late 50s to very elderly. In other words, PEOPLE WHO VOTE.

Some of us stood on the overpass and waved at motorists as they whizzed by; others held up or stood by signs along the Trans Canada Highway, encouraging drivers to honk.

And honk people did. And waved. And high-fived.

We got WAY more positive responses than negative ones; and lots of them. Certain desperate naysayers went by in both directions to make sure we got their one-finger message; one enterprising driver caused a series of backfires, also in both directions. But for each negative response, we got at least eight positive ones. That really cheered us and made any discomfort worth it.

The pictures below were captured by Daphne - click thumbnails for larger view. There were people also along both sides of the TCH and facing each direction on the overpass. Happy faces, all.

We also got good media coverage. Shall follow-up with that when it comes out too.


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