06 November 2010

No Barking in Dog Park

What an absurd tale!

Cobble Hill Director and CVRD [Cowichan Valley Regional District] Chair Gerry Giles summonsed dog owners to a meeting in Cobble Hill recently.

The get together was held to scold those who allowed their dogs to bark while visiting the Cobble Hill Village Dog Park.

Ms Giles was supported by her Alternate Director John Krug and CVRD Parks Manager Brian Farquar, and South Cowichan Parks Chair guy, Ian somebody.

This is a very serious matter. The assembled were instructed to sign in; name, address and so on and so forth.

The Cobble Hill Director and Board Chair meant business. After all she had personally installed anti-barking signs and that should have been sufficent, but the dogs apparently were not buying into it for a minute.

Read the whole thing. It gets worse.

What the hell do people expect when they create a dog park? I am sick of the pettiness, in-fighting and inefficiency of the CVRD. It's long past time we got rid of the damn thing and the municipalities of the Cowichan Valley formed into one.

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