03 February 2009

Cons target Bill Casey

... with accusations of theft and embezzlement. Ooooohhhhh, 'tis a foul stench rising.

Former Conservative (and now Independent) MP Bill Casey just presented the matter to the House of Commons. Kady O. has the full transcript. Here's just a teeny weeny bit.
The man [the CPoC] appointed to run against me was a member of the staff of the minister in charge of the RCMP. I think that man’s representatives went to the RCMP and made these allegations. I cannot say that for sure, because the names are whited out. However, if it turns out that the names in this accusation are agents of an employee of the minister of the RCMP I think we all have to ask ourselves some questions...

Who is going to feel comfortable coming into my office knowing that the Conservative Party of Canada, the governing party, has had the RCMP investigate me for theft and embezzlement?

...I said I was not going to run again but I am not leaving here until the Conservatives who made these accusations in this RCMP report, whoever they are, make it right...

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